This is a post for the April Cools Club which encourages people to break away from the typical cringiness of April Fools and do things you don’t normally do.
To set the stage, every screenshot you will see going forward is gonna be Minecraft. I just love the game and I have had such fun with it for the past 5 years that it feels remiss to not share every so often (which I do these days at These are gonna be in order from oldest to newest, and I’ll try to annotate each screenshot with dates, alt text and the relevant anecdote as I remember them but honestly a bunch of this is just goofy shit I happened to capture.
Just a bridge, really

This bridge is in a Minecraft world that Sasikanth and I started in the second half of 2022, and built entirely by him next to our starter base. After Sasi kinda moved on from playing on the server (as Minecraft players inevitably do, myself included) I copied the world and started using it as my singleplayer world and I still play on it to this day.
An unlikely friendship

I don’t think I really remember where this is from, but if I had to guess it was the village I and Sasikanth discovered and promptly lay ruin to which today happens to be my full time base.
The start of the storage room

After commandeering the aforemention village I decided to lay roots next door, and this is basically the start of my storage room. The basic design is still the same but it has like, walls and stuff now.
I am a dwarf, and I’m digging a hole

Honestly not much to say, I was in a bit of a slump with my mental health and decided the best use of my mushy brain was to dig down a whole chunk to eventually build a slime farm.
Did I drain this Ocean Monument or did it drain me?

I didn’t play much for a month or two so I decided to pick up a somewhat involved project to get me back in the swing of things, which happened to be a Guardian farm for the prismarine family of blocks. I’ll let the other screenshots paint the picture, but suffice to say I had under-estimated the scope of this 😬
When this was finally done I genuinely used it like 4 times total, turns out I’m not really a prismarine guy so that’s a couple weeks I am not getting back.
Getting real personal with a Warden

To break up the monotony of placing sand for the Guardian farm I paid a visit to a near by Ancient City and ended up a little too close to a Warden, which did eventually kill me.
The sea shanty era

I took another couple months off and then set up a small server with a handful of friends to mess around on a fresh world with relative newbies to the game. A lot of chaos ensued, but a large chunk of the time I spent on the server ended up being me and Yash just boating across oceans looking for anything mildly interesting while in a voice call with our friends. It was fun times, but as always people’s interest dwindled down and I shut the server down a couple weeks later.
Excavating the Nether

I wanted Ancient Debris for a project and decided to just get a whole load of it at once, which resulted in this set of TNT-filled tunnels. Here’s the damage all the TNT did:

My first Sniffers

When the Sniffers were added to the game I just had to get them, and obviously then I created a farm for the seeds they “sniff” up.

The End Ring Project

I envisioned a continous ring of Prismarine walkways around all the End gateways to be a cool way to get to them rather than just pillaring up but I biffed the “circle” so many times that it’s kinda stalled at the moment.
All Trimmed Up

I went on a quest to obtain every single armor trim and enough Netherite to create armor to put them on, which in total probably took 20-odd hours including all the Diamond and Ancient Debris mining as well as actually locating all the trims. My Minecraft closet has more variety than my IRL one which feels like cause for concern.
Bonus randomness
The Minecraft x FaZe collab
For some reason Minecraft likes to spawn Nether Fossils that look way too much like the [FaZe Clan] logo and I apparently have a bunch of them screenshotted, so here they are:
The impossible portal

I manually prune unused chunks before Minecraft updates in order to let them regenerate with the updated terrain and accidentally sliced off this portal as it happened to be on a chunk boundary. It’s all the way back at my starter base so it does not see much use, but it’s there.
The end…?
I don’t know why I picked this to do of all the things I could have for April Cools. However, reliving all the memories of fun times I had with my friends and even by myself were worth the pain it was to go through 800 odd screenshots and find moderately interesting things :)
Hopefully I have something cooler for next year and that I actually give myself more than 4 hours to write it up.